Demirler Customs Brokerage


HS-Code; It is the abbreviation used for the customs tariff statistics position. Composed of 12 digits, HS-Code is used to define and differentiate products in international trade. Detailed information can be easily accessed by using HS-Code for products manufactured in different parts of the world

HS-Code; It is a 12-digit code taken from the harmonized system standardized by the World Customs Organization and used all over the world for the identification and classification of products. The first 6 digits of this code are determined by the harmonized system and no changes are allowed by the countries, the first 8 digits together with the next 2 digits are common for countries in the same region -for example, all European Union member countries and Turkey. While the next 2 digits show which nation it belongs to, the full statistical code of the product is determined with the last two digits.

Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS Code)
The product coding system used in more than 170 countries affiliated to the World Customs Organization is called the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, HS Code.

Harmonized system used;

  • In the determination of customs taxes,
  • Keeping international trade statistics,
  • In determining the rules of origin,
  • In determining and collecting local taxes,
  • In trade negotiations (World Trade Organization meetings),
  • For shipping taxes and statistics,
  • To monitor products whose foreign trade is subject to controls (wastes, chemicals that damage the ozone layer, etc.).

Demir Group